Slide-Show ・動画


I bought a digital camera in 2006. As I was using a Mac, I became familiar to make slides- shows,

from old negatives and also from digital.

 As it became possible to up-load as a slide- show on the Web, it seems that there is an advantage to show many people and the aim of expression as to be more sharp.


デジカメを買ったのが2006年。Mac を使っていたので自然とスライド・ショーに馴染んでいき




Self-Portrait    (1973〜85) /   Slide show must go on ・・・

 It all began from looking at myself in the mirror.

There is another myself who gazes at me as if he doesn't care at all about me.

There is another myself who accepts all the grief or joy with the same look as mine.

I think that everything called a work is the dialogue with the another myself after all.









Susan in Japan


In 1979 I met Susan who was a teacher at an English conversation school in Hirakata City, Osaka.

Susan borrowed old house in Kyoto, which used to be a  whore house, and lived with a cat named Basho. 

I took pictures of her daily life and the traditional arts of Kyoto that I saw together, Noh and Kyogen.

As I grew up in the countryside of Hokkaido, simultaneous  encounters between women in the West and

my own traditional culture gave me a deep culture shock.

That incident motivated me to think about " identity " , an estranged word so far.



宇和島の闘牛 Bullfight of Uwajima (1976,77)

宇和島の闘牛 Bullfight of Uwajima ( 1976-77 )


When I was 24years old, I went to Uwajima in Shikoku to take a picture of the bullfight.

The motive was that favorite black singer Stevie Wonder was the same Taurus as mine.

It was a very simple incentive・・・





花猫風月 Ka-Byo-Fu-Getsu  (  Flower-Cat-Wind-Moon )  2006〜10


In 2006, When I bought the first digital camera I took cats photos for practice.

Meanwhile I  was absorbed in a cat and was taking pictures.

Although I was only interested in humans in the past ...

Sine then, I am trying to feel the flowers and birds, the moon and the wind.










  こんにちは、日本 Kon-nichiwa Nippon  ( Hello Japan 1972-82 )


This picture is an early work of 1982 from about 1972, it is a snapshot mainly taken in Kobe.

At that time I was living in a milk store in Nada Ward and went to a photography school , so in the case of milk money collection photographs of older customers, pictures of school festival students, English teachers , A record of my own life such as a photograph of a friend when I was part of a caddy at the Rokko Mountain Golf Club, an old Lady of the secondhand-bookshop.

 It is the origin work of my photograph.

It was after having lived in Switzerland that I compiled it into a work, so the title also looked like this.




Good-bye New York 1985


In 2009, I digitised negatives photographed in New York which had been for about 24 years.

When I was 33 years old, I was preparing to emigrate and went to N.Y which was longing longing city.

I literally lose sight of the direction in the building's jungle N.Y.

I stood in the gap between expectation and reality. But at that time I did not even realize  I was getting lost.

After all , I left N.Y in a year and never looked at the pictures taken at the site.                                                                              It seemed to me that I could not find any themes in these pictures.

However, when I reviewed it again after 20 years, I was able to find "stray" in these pictures.

Myself, the city, the times, everything is lost New York.....




さらに十年程それらをゆったり眺める中で、当時のボクに何が起こった今になってようやく、少しずつ 理解できるようになった。 


しかし、東京〜New York 13時間という激しい時差は、時差ボケ以上の現象をボクに及ぼした…。










 走れメロス Running Meros( 1978  )


『Running Meros』is Osamu Dazai's short story

A story that makes us realize the preciousness of trusting the King who can not belive the person's heart by 

protecting friendship.  

This was made up of drama and dance in Osaka 1978.

( Most of the dancers were due to amateur public offering)











In 1973, I was 21 years old when I was a photography school first grader.

I lived in a milk store and delivered milk before going to school in the morning. There was a man who is delivering milk from another company at the same time, and I was hit by a figure to deliver uncannyly and photographed.

He is a barber in the daytime.

He goes to a haircut to a school as a volunteer once a month.

One day in July 1973, I went to the school with him

Those pictures became my first documentary pictures.

民男の夏 Tamio  (神戸 1973)





Luzern, The city of Chaos (2005&6)